Established in 2007 in New Borg EI-Arab City, In Alexandria – Egypt, Bait Food produces Baking Powder, Vanilla, Juice Powder (Variety), Cocoa Powder, Sahlab, Jelly (Variety), Custard (Variety), Corn Starch, and Iodine salt, we take In our consideration the satisfaction of all customers, providing very wide range of products, for the A.R.E. consumer market, where we focus to take a strong position.
We have many products
Jam all Varity, Strawberry – Fig – Apricot – and Orange, for B2B and B2C Chocolate bars for pastry Business (Cafrtora) The company focus on being a role model in the production, distribution and marketing of Food and Beverages Powder Products in the ARE and currently operates with a capacity of 20,000 Metric Ton per annum. The state of the art manufacturing facility in Bait Food produces one of the best quality packed food powder products in the A.R.E., It has dedicated warehousing and distribution facilities in Alexandria and Cairo (A.R.E.) to service the national retail market.
Company employees approximately 500 people.
Building for the Future
Bait Food has set itself the clear goal of becoming ‘The Best Food & Beverage Company In the A.R.E.’. Since its formation, Bait Food’s Board of Directors has assembled a highly experienced management team, drawn from some of the world’s most respected multinational corporations, with substantial experience in international business, manufacturing and consumer brand marketing.
The management team’s strategy is focused on delivering enhanced shareholder value by achieving strong and sustained sales and profit growth – above the industry’s average – by growing the current business portfolio, regional expansion, new product launches and selective Marketing activity.
Our Objective
- Achieving customer satisfaction,
- Prevention of injury and ill health.
- And producing a healthy and safe food to meet the requirements of the Egyptian standard specifications
Our Commitment
- Fulfilling customer requirements of our products ( Food products )with high quality and suitable prices,
- maintaining the work environment which assures the health and safety of our employees inside & outside the premises (concerning work issues),
- complying with applicable legal and other requirements,
- and following the hygienic rules for the safety foods
- Throughout the implementation of working system that meets the requirements of the international management systems ISO 9001:2008 / ISO 22000:2005 / OHSAS 18001:2007
Our Aims
Continual Improvement and development of our:
- (Quality – Food Safety awareness sessions and training programs for our employees alongside with the effective maintenance programs for equipments , and Constructions
- Issuing & revising our policy, objectives, related to the systems Safety – Health & Safety) annually as part of our top management review
- and spreading those policies to the quality entities inside, and outside the
and to all of those who do deal with us.

Board Members

Mr. Ahmed Mubarak
board Member
Eng. Akram Mubarak
Chairman of the Board
Mr. Mohamed Mubarak
Vice Chairman
Mr. Hany Mubarak
board MemberThe Strategy of occupational health & safety is very important, not only to ensure the health and safety of the employees but also to contribute positively to productivity, Quality of products, work motivation, Job satisfaction, and at the end to safeguard the well-being of all those working on, visiting and living near our operations. In Order To Achieve This Strategy, Bait Food Aims to: Company with all applicable health & Safety Laws and Regulations as well as Bait Food standards whichever provides a safer control on our operations/ Activities. Identify and evaluate the Health and Safety Risks arising from work activities, and seek to either eliminate or control them, so as to achieve our ultimate goal of Zero Occupational Injuries and Illnesses. Measure and track all related events to personnel health& Safety in order to set improvement Objectives and Targets Plans leading ultimate to Zero accident organization. These targets will be addressed in management program that focus on the reduction of the significant risks at work. Continual Improvement of health and safety control arrangements and performance through maintaining and operating plants within designating safety criteria. Design, select, develop and operate processes and plants that are safe, free from harm and without risk to employees’ health and safety Provide and maintain safe system of work and deal with Its effectiveness to restrict the occurrence of any dangerous consequences resulting in injuries or occupational risk to all employees’ health and to ensure safe working environment Establish Health & Management Systems to protect staff, managers, and visitors from different risks, and set regular audits to evaluate compliance. Involve all employees at all levels with the implementation of this policy, and to provide all necessary information, instructions, training and supervision that raise the awareness in order to protect their safety and health at work Support health Promotion Programs for healthy work environment & healthy work practices that contribute to the productivity, health and well-being of employees. Investigate all incidents that have or could have resulted in serious personal injuries, illness, or losses, and take the necessary actions to prevent reoccurrence. Ensure that injured workers receive prompt, effective treatment and that any worker compensation claims are managed effectively, consistent with legislative requirements and Work-Cover standards.
Occupational Health and Safety Management Certification is an international standard which provides a framework to identify, control and decrease the risks associated with health and safety within the workplace. Implementing the standard will send a clear signal to your stakeholders that you view employee’s health and safety as a priority within your organisation.